1 Minute Marketing: Facebook Ads


Social media marketing is well known for being a cheap and easy way of marketing. However, simply starting a Facebook account and occasionally posting content isn’t going to get you the sales funnel result you could be achieving. Like all ways of the world, you’ve got to put something in to get something out. So, if you want to make money using social media, you’ve got to put some money into your social media.

A lot of businesses stray from using Facebook paid advertising,considering it a scam or waste of money. However, Facebook has one of the strongest targeting tools of the majority of advertising options, next to Google AdWords. From the Facebook targeting tool, you can optimize your ad to be seen by specific demographics based on location,

gender, age, income and interests. From here, Facebook will tell you how many impressions your ad is likely to be subject to.

Once you create your ad with a high quality, effective image, an attention grabbing headline and to the point copy, you can choose your budget. Facebook offers ‘cost per click’ or ‘cost per impression’ budget options. Typically if you are hoping for more likes or site visits, you will do better with the pay per click option. However, if you want to simply increase brand awareness, you will want to opt for pay per impression. From here, you will choose a daily budget letting Facebook know how much you can afford per day to spend on your advertising. Before you continue, Facebook will let you know an estimate of how many clicks or impressions you can expect. Although this may vary slightly, it is a great tool to see how far your budget will go.

While Facebook ads will show up on the right hand sidebar of Facebook, there are other options for advertising, including ‘featured posts’ and ‘featured videos’. These new options allow companies another way to stand out. A featured post will pop up in your audience’s newsfeed just like a status update from a friend. The posts are also effective for sending out longer messages, since there is no limit on the amount of text you can send out. A featured video works the same way but allows you to pay for a video to been seen.

If you are interested in setting up Facebook advertising for your company, contact Strategic eMarketing for assistance in designing, targeting and finding the right budget for you.