1 Minute Marketing: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Optimize Your Facebook Page

1 Minute Marketing: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Optimize Your Facebook Page

\"FacebookWant to increase the number of likes on your page and have more fans see your content? Make your Facebook page viewer-ready. If you start with these three optimization tips, your brand will be well on its way (and it can help your local search marketing).

  1. Fill in every box you can in the Page Info section. The short description is visible from the front of your brand’s Facebook page and it should tell people quickly and simply the nature of your brand. If a person is interested in learning more, they’ll click on the About section and see the long description. This version should provide succinctly all the relevant details a customer needs to understand your brand and what you offer. Depending on the kind of page you selected, the other information you can provide on the page varies. Hours, location, phone number, and email are all important for local search, especially for Humboldt County businesses that don’t have actual websites.

  2. Upload more photos. Images are weighed much more heavily in search engine results than they used to be, especially new images. Add a few sentences describing the picture or what it’s related to and work in a few keywords when it isn’t clumsy. Ideally, all of your posts will have an image or photo. This is also an excellent way to link to on-site content like a brand’s blog.

  3. Make the cover photo work for you. It’s big and bold, so don’t just throw up any photo when you have this public relations opportunity to reach your audience. Brand the image, provide a call to action, or highlight an aspect of your brand you’re currently promoting through the cover photo.

How are you taking charge of your Facebook page?