1 minute marketing -- social media

1 Minute Marketing: Do You Have Enough Social Media Marketing Planned for 2014?

1 Minute Marketing: Do You Have Enough Social Media Marketing Planned for 2014?

\"1With social media, you can either be part of the conversation or be left out. Why get involved in social media? At this point, every business is expected to have some sort of presence on the main social networks like Yelp, Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, and Google places, so why not use that to your marketing advantage?

People are already on social networks to engage with friends, family, and brands — help them find your business and engage them with content worth reading. Targeted marketing campaigns to build your fan base and promoting content can help you reach more people in meaningful ways. The more engaged they are, the more likely they are to recognize your brand and to do business with you.

With that being said, what is in your internet marketing plan for 2014? These should all be aspects of your plan:

  • Keeping your social media pages updated with regular content
  • Responding to Yelp reviews in a positive way
  • Update your Google Places/Google+ page
  • Being easy to find on Foursquare
  • Encouraging conversation on Facebook and Twitter
  • Targeting the right demographics for advertising via social media channels

Let’s make 2014 a better year for your business and for your customers. If you need help putting together a plan or you aren\’t sure what resources you’ll need, Strategic eMarketing can help with that.