1-minute business linkedin page

1 Minute Marketing: How to Create A Business Page on LinkedIn

1 Minute Marketing: How to Create A Business Page on LinkedIn

\"1-minuteIf your social media marketing is like most, you haven’t been giving your LinkedIn account enough attention. If you’ve filled out your profile completely with a photo of yourself, your personal page is in good shape. But have you created a page for your company?

If you haven’t, now is the time to do so. This is another way of making your company easy to find via search, and those who peek at your personal profile will be able to click on your place of employment to learn more about the business (exactly what marketing should do, especially if you’re a local business).

Creating a company page on LinkedIn is simple. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Add a Company page. Type in your company name exactly as you want it to appear, along with your company email address.
  2. Provide a description of your company. You can use up to 2,000 characters, but brevity is your friend. The less time you take to describe your business and its niche, the better. You may include a couple keywords in the text, just be sure the placement makes sense and flows well.
  3. Add a header image that’s 646×220 or bigger, a 100×60 version of your logo, and a 50×50 version of your logo.
    Add company specialties and related LinkedIn groups of which you are a member.
  4. Click on “Products and Services” and then “Get Started.” Add products and services using the forms provided. Include images and URLs when possible. This is another potential spot for keywords, but don’t overdo it. Think quality content first.

Improve your visibility on LinkedIn with a company page — creating content-rich social media profiles should also be a part of your SEO strategies. Page insights are available so you can monitor its impact.