Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

1 Minute Marketing: Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

1 Minute Marketing: Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

\"SpecialPinterest is starting to grow up as a social media platform — it was generating massive amounts of user interest and activity even before it began moving toward making money. In one of the baby steps to monetize all those eyeballs and clicks, Pinterest has introduced five special pins, officially called Rich Pins and one or more of them may be appropriate for your e marketing strategies.

  1. Product Pins: If you are a retail website, product pins could be a big boost to you. When you integrate this pin capability into your website, items from your store pinned to Pinterest will include the pricing, availability and where to buy information, along with the photo. Do you have customers who are already pinning your products? Product pins can improve your exposure and ROI!
  2. Recipe Pins: One of the big topics on Pinterest is food, especially recipes. Delicious photos abound, but finding the associated recipe can be tricky if the link is from a blog. When a user wants to pin a recipe from a website with recipe pins enabled, much more than the image comes up: ingredients, cooking times, serving size, type of food (vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.) and other information are automatically added to the pin. Food blogs or recipe websites should definitely consider incorporating these pins into their websites.
  3. Movie Pins: The type of information that comes up with movie pins can include the title, rating, cast, reviews, and where to watch.
  4. Article Pins: You don’t need a corkboard covered in newspaper clippings to save your articles when you have article pins. This rich pin can include the headline, summary, story description and source. For websites that create original content regularly, article pins can help readers share your stories.
  5. Place Pins: Users can make their own place boards now, and much of the information is pulled from FourSquare. Place pins include an overview map of the area, the address and the phone number.

To make Rich Pins work, you need to prep your website and test out the pins.

BONUS: Promoted pins

Pinterest is just starting to roll out promoted pins. Developers at Pinterest are trying hard not to interfere too much with the user experience while still providing a way for businesses to reach out to their users (and for Pinterest to make money). While they are starting slow, promoted pins may help you reach a wider audience when they fully roll out the program. Social media has a love-hate relationship with marketing efforts, but it\’s worth considering for businesses in any area, including Eureka CA.