Images on Facebook

1 Minute Marketing: Why Images on Facebook are Critical

1 Minute Marketing: Why Images on Facebook are Critical


Take a look at your Facebook news feed and scroll through it briefly like you normally would. What posts catch your attention? If you’re like most people, the posts that pop are those with images. Whether they’re inspirational quotes, photos of your friends and family, or infographics, images are what get noticed.

This happens for a couple reasons. On Facebook, images take up more space in the news feed, which makes it harder to not notice. And newspapers have known for decades that pictures are where readers look first — most readers will only notice other elements after looking at the front page images. The same goes for social media posts. But if your photo isn\’t interesting or relevant, they probably won\’t read your post.

Facebook’s algorithm Edgerank determines what posts show up in a given user\’s news feed, and it\’s more likely to display posts with images or text that don’t lead away from its website. So, if you\’re providing a link, it makes sense to add more Facebook-hosted content by uploading a photo with the post.

For businesses, images need to be a part of your e marketing strategies, even beyond Facebook. Every page and blog post should have an image to accompany it anyway — you can\’t get pinned on Pinterest or have thumbnail links otherwise — so upload a page’s image to Facebook when you post a link to that page.

While the pressure to put together content quickly can be difficult, be sure your company has the rights to use all uploaded images to avoid copyright infringement. For social media marketing advice for the Eureka CA market and beyond, contact Strategic eMarketing.