1 Minute Marketing — 3 Tips to Engage Fans on Facebook

1 Minute Marketing — 3 Tips to Engage Fans on Facebook

\"OneYour business has a Facebook page, right? There is a good chance that at least a portion of your prospective customers have a profile on this social network and studies have shown most check it at least once per day, so why not go where your customers are? More users engage and have conversations on Facebook than on any other social network — even if Pinterest knocks Facebook down to the No. 2 spot, most of those Facebook fans will keep engaging, posting pictures of their cat and playing Farmville.

Once you have your business page set up, the next step is beginning to engage with your page’s fans and building your fanbase in the process. Here are a few simple ways to do so:

  1. Develop a content calendar and stick to it. If you can’t think of what to write about, check out our previous article on creating blog topics for your business.
  2. Post status updates regularly, but not too often. The main thing to keep in mind is that Facebook is different than Twitter. Your business can tweet several times per day, but Facebook users will get annoyed if a business (or a friend) posts too many status updates in one day. It clogs up a user’s news feed and will get you unliked. Once per week can be enough.
  3. Upload photos that you are proud to share with your customers. You can set up separate albums for different aspects of your business, including your products, events your business took part in, and even your customers. Encourage comments on the photos and you can also allow customers to post their own.

Creating content that your customers can appreciate via social media in a way that they choose should be a part of any internet marketing plan.