Client Spotlight: Redwood Coast Financial Partners

Client Spotlight: Redwood Coast Financial Partners

\"RedwoodThere is never a time when financial planning isn’t required.  Where there is either income or savings, there is money to be preserved and augmented with careful planning. The local team of experts that can determine and accomplish the correct management course for your money is at Redwood Coast Financial Partners.

“Financial Planning is a roadmap to retirement and beyond” — Like all road trips, the destination is only part of the equation. Whether speedy arrival or a scenic route is the interim objective, the route has to be chosen accordingly.

The financial experts at Redwood Coast Financial Partners – Nick Bertell and Steve Suttell – have established a six-step course selection process that works for every financial planning case: define (scope of relationship), gather (financial information), analyze (specific situation), develop (multi-faceted investment approach), implement (invest the money available as determined), and monitor (to keep the financial plan on course and the money growing as desired).

Both Steve and Nick are heavily invested in the community they serve. Nick is active in Rotary, the Humboldt Masonic Lodge, and Rainbow for Girls — as well as being an avid fan of the Humboldt Crabs. Steve is also active in Rotary and serves on its board. He also serves as a board member for the North Coast Co-op and the Humboldt Literacy Project.

Their commitment to their profession and to financial management underlays their formal education in finance. Nick has a BA from Humboldt State University in Business Administration and Steve has a BA in Finance and Economics from the University of Montana. No matter how long or short the road to financial independence, Redwood Coast Financial Partners is the Humboldt-local choice to be your guide.