web site design

Product Spotlight: Website Design

Product Spotlight: Website Design


Your website is your abode in the virtual world. You can\’t really afford to be virtually homeless any more than you can sustain being actually homeless. If you are doing business in the 21st Century and want to achieve commercial subsistence — not to mention dynamic growth — you need a website. Website design is a core element of Strategic eMarketing\’s expertise. SEM can build you a new website from the ground up, add new functionality and/or appeal to an existing one, or fundamentally reinvent and reconstruct a website that is simply inadequate for your needs.

All websites are not created equal, however, and your website should be appealing no matter what avenue your prospects come down. Guaranteeing that all roads lead to your doorstep, virtually, is the job of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is one of the fortes of Strategic eMarketing. The storefront itself (the website and its component pages) needs to be uniquely aligned to you, its owner, and to the nature of your business. The experts in graphic web design at Strategic eMarketing can make that happen with the proper arrangement of appealing photos and compelling text.

No matter how charming your store, no matter how essential, desirable, and affordable its inventory, if you don\’t have a cash register, you\’re going to lose out on a lot of sales. Analogously, your website should be able to easily process payments without making a customer go to a third-party site. That is where Strategic eMarketing\’s expertise with e-commerce and shopping cart modules can enable your business to do full-spectrum retail in the virtual world, without requiring your customers to leave the premises, virtually speaking.

Although your business resides in Humboldt County and your website provider (Strategic eMarketing) operates from Eureka, CA, your new virtual abode/storefront has an international address on the World Wide Web as well as a Locals-Only priority with Local Search marketing. The best of both worlds, in the virtual world, brought to you by Strategic eMarketing.