1 Minute Marketing Managing Your Social Media

1 minute marketing – Managing your social media

\"sem-1min-1214-02-db\"Managing your social media

Balancing all of the tasks that come with a business can be a big task. Sometimes after the office work is filed, the sales are made and bills are paid marketing can become a little tough. We have a few tips and tricks to help you manage your social media:

Keep it fun and simple
People are going on social media because they want to catch up with others and enjoy fun and easy to read posts. Think about all of the advertising clutter we see on our social media feeds, watching television and even in our email. Typically, the advertisements your consumers want to see are sales and information that persuades them to choose you over the competitor.

People will always be excited to get a good deal and that is why these can be your most successful posts. These can include price drops, free promotional items with purchases and BOGO deals.

With the everyday stress of our daily lives, posts promoting goodwill, happiness and success can also do very well on social media. People love to see companies doing good for the community and motivating their customers.


Schedule your posts ahead
It is always important to stay on top of scheduling your posts. When your personal schedule gets busy, your time for your company can start to run low. By scheduling your posts early you can ensure there are no typos, you are sending the right message to your followers and you have more time for your down time when you need it.


How can you make sure you are doing all of this?!
By hiring a emarketing company, you are ensuring that your posts are going out on time and saying exactly when you need them to say. At Strategic eMarketing, we have our talented writers write your posts to express exactly what you want to say, triple checked for errors and then sent to you, the client, for approval before scheduling.