Drip Email Campaign

If you’re in business, you know the importance of automating things. Between administrative tasks, day to day business tasks and marketing it can be near impossible to keep up with everything. There always seems to be just enough things to do to be able to hire on staff, but sometimes we can’t afford to hire someone for everything. Wondering what a drip campaign is? A drip email campaign is an automated set of emails that are set to manually go out so many days after someone signs up for your email list.

Why Create Drip Campaigns?

  • When you set up an automated drip email campaign, you create a way to nourish your email leads without having to manually email or follow up.
  • Drip campaigns are very popular for onboarding people to your email list. For example, let’s say someone signs up to your email list. You could set the drip campaign to send them a welcome email immediately, a free ebook or coupon the next day, a FAQ video the next day and then an invitation to a weekly event at your business the next day.Doing something like this immediately makes the subscriber comfortable and excited with opening your emails, which will keep your open rate high and keep your email list members excited to hear from you.
  • Promote for a big sale or event. For example, you could create a drip campaign to go out every week for a month up until your Black Friday sale. This will keep the idea of going to your business fresh in your email lists mind.

The possibilities for using a drip email campaign are endless. If you need to promote anything or just send out some extra love, a drip email campaign is the easiest way to do so. Call us today with your business marketing needs and we’ll show you we’ve helped hundreds of clients just like you with their marketing strategy.