Why Should My Business Be On Social Media?

\"SEM-Prime-0915\"If you’re a local business you may find yourself wondering if social media is really a necessity that you need. There is a very common misconception that social media is simply for your personal life, staying in touch with friends and family and sharing details of your everyday life. This can really turn businesses off from the idea of having a social presence.

However, despite these viewpoints, a social media presence can really boost your business in a positive direction. Not only is there a very personal side to social media that you can tap into and see massive results from, but there is a business aspect that helps people connect to their favorite businesses and find information about ones they aren’t as familiar with.

Social media, specifically Facebook, is getting nearly as many searches per day as the major search engine Google. Back in 2012, Mark Zuckerberg released that Facebook was receiving one billion search queries per day and Google released just recently they were receiving nearly 3 billion per day.

Google and other popular search engines do references most social media platforms in their search results, which means the more of a social media presence your business has, the more likely your business is going to be found and seen online overall.

As we mentioned before, the personal aspect of social media can actually boost your marketing results you see from social media. Why? Because when your business can get on a more personal level with its audience, it starts to gain more trust.

All in all, social media will help you be seen and help you connect with potential customers. When you build a strong social media presence you also build a strong ability to be found and seen. Contact Strategic eMarketing today to find out how you can start growing your online presence today.