CastleWare Baby: Marketing Tactics and the Strategy for Success

Branding is a very important strategy for positioning your business for growth. It can be a big difference between slow or no growth and success.Branding includes the creation of a set of elements that are synonymous with your particular company. All your imagery and content should represent something unique to your business and be true to what you offer.

Since the beginning of our relationship with CastleWare Baby, we noticed a need for a consistent branding/voice and immediately created a strategy to resolve that. From there, we focused on marketing tactics that would best suit their brand.As a baby and child brand offering organic, ethically made products, we decided that social media ads and email marketing will be essential to achieve growth and success. My team and I focused on building their email list and consistently delivering relevant email messages to their audience. Additionally, we focused on creating and managing specifically targeted ads on social networks that their ideal customer would frequently use. We did not just go right into ads on social media but first established a solid presence by sharing and engaging with other users. This is important for developing trust and developing a loyal social following.By implementing these rigorous strategies, we’ve seen a 45% growth last year and are already seeing 34% growth for this year so far. Since marketing for CastleWare, we’ve experienced positive results and we’re happy about that.

We are particularly pleased with the consistent blog posting and SEO activity. These have helped to dramatically improve the traffic to their website, which accounts for sales.We aim to continue to implement these strategies that have been working and improving on email marketing techniques by incorporating seasonal events and trends, promoting featured and new products, and so on. We’ll look into how we can increase some SEO activities, other marketing activities, and then continue to target the typical season achievements. Ultimately, we’ll be assisting CastleWare Baby to develop new categories of products, and increase secondary sales; to create a consistently increasing value average.

We anticipate a fruitful partnership where CastleWare Baby will continue to grow in terms of revenue and brand awareness.

Maureen Smithey, Founder of CastleWare Baby

“Marketing has always been the Achilles heel for me in my business which is why I am so glad I decided to give Strategic EMarketing a go!

Emanuel and his crew have been an absolute breeze to work with and most importantly new customer traffic has increased on my e-commerce site by 73%.

Sales are up over 25% and my branding continues to become more consistent and cohesive every day.”