Eureka Main Street

Business Resource Spotlight — Eureka Main Street

Business Resource Spotlight — Eureka Main Street


It takes a village to raise a child, and it certainly takes more than that to raise and sustain a market for your business – no matter what it is. That is why Eureka Main Street is such a valuable asset for local business owners. Begun twenty years ago as a partnership between the Redevelopment Agency and the merchants of downtown and Old Town, Eureka Main Street provides assistance programs for merchants and professionals in Eureka’s Core Business District (a 49-block tract between A and I Streets).

Need a facelift for your business? Eureka Main Street facilitates a Redevelopment Agency-funded facade improvement program. Need an advocate? It advocates on behalf of business owners and tenants regarding seismic strengthening of buildings, sign and building codes, zoning issues and parking requirements. They also serve as a liaison between business owners and the City of Eureka regarding development problems.

Eureka Main Street also sponsors special events to bring new customers to the downtown and Old Town area — like Taste of Main Street — as well as promoting the area through various media. Need instruction for operational improvement? It provides education on business-related topics through workshops, guest speakers, and e-mail. They also provide consultations and other conduits of information, including a quarterly newsletter. If you’re in the core of the city, Eureka Main Street is your commercial corps.