Product Spotlight: Local Search Marketing

Product Spotlight: Local Search Marketing


The phonebook is dead. True, it never had a pulse, but in the previous century, it had a vital role in communication and information transmission. That role is now vanishing far faster than its newsprint cousins and local search marketing is becoming all the more important.

In the 20th century, we became a physically mobile society with the advent of the automobile and the commercial airline. In the 21st century, we’re now a mobile information society. People expect to be connected to a wide array of options and information via their mobile devices that not only include phone numbers and addresses, but they can get directions to your doorstep, check-in to your business on Foursquare, leave reviews on Yelp! and comment on Facebook Nearby. This all occurs whether or not you’ve claimed your business listing on these  websites, and not doing so is like leaving your storefront business in charge of a stranger off the street.

It behooves the prudent business owner to proactively engage in local search marketing: open accounts with Yelp!, Foursquare, and Facebook Nearby. You can offer  Track your patronage, through these portals to determine who your most loyal customers are and reward them for their loyalty.

If your company does not have a local search strategy, you are going to miss this opportunity to grow your revenues and may be out of business by the end of the year. Local search marketing is essential to a vital, growth-oriented business in the 21st century. Plan your local search marketing strategy that will improve your online standing with the assistance of Strategic eMarketing.