Content Development: What to do with press releases?

Content Development: What to do with press releases?


A press release provides you with a great way to announce certain events, happenings, product releases and other information about your company. If you have never used a press release as part of your marketing efforts, you are missing an important and useful tool in your promotional arsenal. Press release are an essential part to your company’s marketing and promotional activities and should be utilized if you desire more interest in your products and/or services and more sales.

Here is a basic discussion about press releases, what they are and how they should be used to benefit your business. This information should serve as a primer for your understanding about press releases and prompt you to learn more in order to begin sending more press releases for your business.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is simply an important announcement that is used to provide information about something you have done or about to do. Press releases, in a primitive sense, were used to provide a newspaper or other media outlet with an alert or “heads up” about something that was about to happen, in order to produce the widest amount of interest and coverage. This pertained to the old days of print and visual media (i.e. newspapers, television, etc.) but applies as much today to our technological world of websites, social media and instant messaging.

What Do I Do with My Press Releases?

A press release should be viewed as an addition to your efforts to promote and sell yourself online. A well written press release can be placed on your internal or owned media outlets such as your social media sites, website and blogs as well as distributed through external sources for the maximum effect. Once you have engaged in the process of creating your first press release, announcing a sales event or product improvement, you should seek as many sources as possible in order to distribute this information and reach the broadest audience.

Discover more about press releases and how they can add value to your business and business’s bottom line. If you find this information intriguing and want to learn more about how a press release can benefit you, seek out a reputable firm or professional with experience with writing press releases and who can show you how to integrate them into your existing marketing program.