
Strategic planning FOCUS

Strategic planning FOCUS Strategic planning for marketing is a powerful way to focus your organization’s resources on goals to support growth, enable success in the current year, and provide staying power well into the future. Marketing is an essential part of the strategic plan that a successful business needs.There are at least nine key areas […]

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1-minute Marketing Multi-Channel Marketing

1-minute Marketing Multi-Channel Marketing Are you currently interacting with your customers through multi-channel marketing? Using the right combination of indirect and direct communication will boost the overall visibility of your company. Determining what works and doesn’t work for your organization is a challenge. Should you use mail order catalogs, direct mail, email, and retail marketing?

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Writing and Distributing Press Releases for Your Business

Writing and Distributing Press Releases for Your Business Press releases provide businesses a way to spread the good news about their organization and get exposure in local media outlets that isn’t straight advertising. But your press release needs to get published before it can start to have a positive impact, meaning it needs to be

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E-Marketing Strategies to Reach Your Prospects

E-Marketing Strategies to Reach Your Prospects The world of content distribution is in a constant state of flux. Everything you read, including what follows is liable to be obsolete within a year. That does not mean you should hit the back button and read something “useful.” On the contrary, updating yourself on content distribution techniques

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