Product Spotlight moblie app

Anatomy of an App — What Should I Include for my Business?

Anatomy of an App — What Should I Include for my Business?

Product Spotlight


With more and more users heading to their mobile device on-the-go instead of waiting to boot up their desktop at home, your business can be easily accessible to them via a mobile app. But you don’t sell angry birds and you can’t play Scrabble with clients — so, what can your business include in an app?

The app for every business will look a little different, and you can’t include every feature that your current full website offers. Not only is it harder to complete certain tasks on a small, mobile device (or even a tablet) but people are typically on their way to or from somewhere and won’t have time to fiddle with your business app.

So, what should you include? Consider the services your prospects and clients need most from your business. Do they need information from your industry or access to your blog? Make your most recent or relevant content available in short, easily digestible sections. Many newspaper apps, for example, only include the most recent news articles through their app and often they let users choose which sections to show.

When most people look at your website, what are they looking for? For repair service businesses, a majority of users are either looking to make an appointment or want to know what can be repaired. An app for this business could include a one-step process to make an appointment without even having to call or provide descriptions of what repair services are available (by brand, type of product, etc.).

Retail businesses can offer through their app the ability to purchase products, alerts for upcoming sales/events, and/or special deals. While this could include the whole inventory, highlighting a few products with special offers can also be effective. Just make sure your sales staff is trained to accept coupons and discounts that customers received through the app.

Depending on the focus of your business, mobile apps can take many forms. While there are options to develop these yourself, creating a quality app that your customers will want to use can be difficult. Strategic eMarketing can create mobile apps designed specifically to meet the needs of your prospects and current customer-base. Contact us to see how your business could benefit from a customized mobile app.