
Nine Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing… You remember that, right? Before the days of sophisticated spam filters, each morning we would all log on to find 15 email pitches for everything ranging from credit repair to Viagra. In the last nine hours alone, this writer’s filter has intercepted 29 of them. I love my spam filter! So, why would

Nine Email Marketing Tips Read More » specializes in promotional items for under a dollar! The site started development back in 1998, but after the dot com bubble in 2000 the project was put on the shelf. The internet has come a long way, as has the development tools for website. In 2008 the dust was brushed off the project and Read More »

Reprop Financial Spotlight

We recently produced a number of videos for Reprop Financial that show-case success stories in their Equity Advantage Program. Through this program, Reprop helps small business owners take advantage of low interest rates to purchase or refinance commercial real estate property. The loans range from $200 thousand to $1.9 million and are often combined with

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So much of the Facebook marketing hype is about how many likes your business site has. Well sometimes being active on social media is enough to move the client to the next step in the sales process. I got in touch with a prospective client earlier this year who had just contracted with a competing

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