B2B Strategic Lead Development

B2B Strategic Lead Development and Marketing into 2022: 6 Trends to Embrace

By Strategic eMarketing

Staying competitive in today\’s markets means understanding what trends are driving successful businesses like yours. In B2B Marketing, this equates to not just understanding trends but getting ahead of them. And knowing which B2B marketing trends to get ahead of is the essential goal in today\’s hyper-competitive business landscape. Here are six fundamental B2B marketing strategies that will not only help your company keep up but will get you ahead of the pack.

1. Big Data and Reporting

The average enterprise uses over 90 different marketing cloud services; CRM, Email, Website Analytics, eCommerce, social media, Zapier, and on and on. How do you make sense of them all and ensure they align with the same bottom-line forecast and result? Utilize a strategic marketing plan or, even better, an experienced and successful marketing agency.

What internal data is critical to your success? Average customer returns or the quote to win ratio? Customer satisfaction? Having a clear plan for data and how best to leverage it to get ahead is critical in 2022. More than ever as more purchases move online.

How can big data help? With deep insights into markets and buyers, big data drives the personalized and high-impact marketing campaigns your company needs. It enables you the clarity of understanding to create the correct marketing campaigns with high responses.

2. Omnichannel marketing\’s importance for B2B businesses

90% of B2B customers start their journey with a search online. And 90% of customers research 2 to 7 sites before making the purchase. That\’s 1 to 6 of your competitors gaining access to your potential client. Are you even ranking in those searches? An excellent omnichannel marketing plan includes a coordinated SEO strategy. Nurtured Leads are 20% more likely to purchase, and more than 90% of buyers say they\’ll buy from a vendor with a superior mobile experience.

3. LinkedIn Mastery

If there\’s one area of your B2B Marketing Plan that must be air-tight, it\’s LinkedIn. Why? Because it\’s a network of over 630M professionals. 33% of B2B decision makers use LinkedIn to research purchases. 4 of 5 members drive business decisions for their company. There are 61 million senior-level influencers. With a possible network of 630 million business professionals, it\’s easy to see why they are the #1 lead generation platform. It is also 277% more effective in driving leads to your top funnel than other social media sites.

4. Content Marketing

Content is king, and marketing is queen. Together, great content and great marketing can put your competitors in check and hopefully checkmate. Content\’s power comes from its multiple positive impacts on your lead generation and sales funnels.

Here are some impressive numbers to drive home that content is king:


  • 80% of buyers say they switch between online search and video for buying research.
  • 60% of buyers consider inquiring about and purchasing a product after reading quality informative content about it.
  • 40% of a marketing budget to content marketing by the most successful B2B marketing teams.
  • B2B companies with a consistent blog campaign have 67% more leads monthly than companies with no or irregular blog campaigns.

5. AI Integration

83% of early adopters of AI have achieved a 53% in economic benefits. AI can seamlessly decipher and filter technology information so you can benefit from it without being deluged with miscellaneous details you don\’t need. With a projected market value of 284.4 billion by 2026, AI certainty is a trend that you need to get ahead of.

6. Rise of the Bots

83% of early adopters of AI have achieved a 53% in economic benefits. AI can seamlessly decipher and filter technology information so you can benefit from it without being deluged with miscellaneous details you don\’t need. With a projected market value of 284.4 billion by 2026, AI certainty is a trend that you need to get ahead of.

An excellent omnichannel marketing plan including chatbot scripts for:


  • Powering Chatbots to improve customer experience
  • Leveraging Audience Insights to boost PPC ad performance
  • Delivering AI-generated content
  • Personalizing the digital experience
  • Identifying sales qualified leads
  • Targeting customers across different channels
  • Upselling and cross-selling to customers
  • Improving blogger outreach strategies

An Expert Partnership

Getting ahead of these 2022 B2B Marketing and Lead Generation Trends takes a critical partnership with experienced B2B Marketing experts. Without a roadmap, you can\’t get where you need to be. If you want to get there ahead of your competitors, contact Emanuel Rose with Strategic eMarketing today to create the roadmap and assist you to:


  • Set Targets based on budget goals and establish a baseline
  • Identify and set up tracking and comprehensive reporting
  • Review and innovate content marketing to include video, SEO Optimized blogs, and social posts
  • Update LinkedIn campaign-target connections, staff profiles, company page, and content updates
  • Create or update and implement chatbots
  • Review Software for outbound to ensure the use of the most up to date AI-supported software