Google Drive to share and collaborate

Business Resource Spotlight: Google Drive

Business Resource Spotlight: Google Drive


Have you ever collaborated with other people on a specific document? Whether it\’s a spreadsheet or a text document, you often end up with multiple versions of the same file that you need to manually edit or update when someone sends you their changes. Google Drive changes all of that.

You can collaborate with anyone who has a Google account. Once you\’re logged in to, you can create a new document, presentation, spreadsheet, form or drawing. After it opens, you have the ability to share it with anyone. Just click the “Share” button in the top right corner and enter in the emails of others you want to share it with. If they don\’t already have a Google account, they will be sent an email prompting them to sign up so they can see what you\’ve shared.

Now, every time one of you makes a change to the document, everyone will have the same version. Multiple people can be editing and viewing the document at the same time, and you\’ll see the changes other users make in real time. Since the document you\’re working on is in the cloud, no one has to physically store it on their computer, though you can download it or email it as an attachment right from Google Drive. Did someone accidentally delete a critical part of the document? No problem. Just go to “See Revision History” and you can restore past versions, labeled by who did the editing and when.

Collaboration shouldn\’t be difficult. Google Drive makes it simple.