Business Resource Spotlight: HumCPU

Business Resource Spotlight – HumCPU


Does your business need its own IT department? If you don’t know what IT stands for (Information Technology), the answer is almost certainly “no.” However, even if you do know the meaning of IT — and have an “IT guy” on your payroll — that may not provide you with the greatest ROI in terms of business productivity.

Many small business and small departments of larger organizations have their designated computer guy (or gal) whom their fellow employees call on whenever any electronic device or its software is not doing what is expected of it. That ad hoc “computer expert,” in almost all cases, is no expert. Even in the case of IT employees hired exclusively to perform IT responsibilities, their training is seldom comprehensive, and never entirely current, simply because of the breakneck pace of innovation in Information Technology.

These are the reasons that recruiting the services of HumCPU makes perfect sense for small to medium-sized companies. The staff of HumCPU has a combined experience log of over 70 years — spanning all of the many facets of Information Technology from servers and routers to printers, peripherals, and of course CPUs.

HumCPU offers an array of software and services via their Serenity brand under three categories: maintenance, backup, and firewall. All of these processes can be automated and/or monitored and managed remotely. Their backups provide non-intrusive backup and offline storage in two discreet NSA-grade facilities on the East and West coasts — requiring no shutdown of the servers storing the data, even SQL and Exchange servers. Their firewall services exceed those of any firewall device or software that could be purchased off the shelf and are available to rent or to own.

In addition to the desktop operating systems they support (Windows XP to Windows 7, Apple OS X, and Linux), HumCPU’s sister company, Tensor LLC, can provide custom software for all manner of enterprise processes: payroll, inventory, shipping/manifesting and more.

Whatever your IT needs, chances are that HumCPU can meet and exceed them with their Humboldt-based solutions. Give them a chance to show you how with a call for a consultation today at 707-444-3280.