Business Resource Spotlight: Picasa

\"sem-BRS-052015-db\"Have you ever found yourself overloaded with photos and struggling to keep them organized? Picasa is a helpful Google App that can solve this problem. Picasa can manage, edit and share your photos right from your computer.

When you first open Picasa, it will search your computer and display the photos it finds. The app gives you options to tell it what file formats to search for or what files on your computer to look in, if you don’t want it searching your entire computer. From here, you can tell Picasa which photos you want it to store for you on the cloud. Say “hello” to more free space on your hard drive!

We’ve seen the facts- photos make our social media and blog posts stand out. People are drawn to beautiful images and are in some cases twice as likely to click a post that includes an image. But most of us don’t know how to use fancy programs like Photoshop. Picasa can help with its easy to use photo editing tools. Browse through 24 different photo effects and various image tuning options to make your photo look its best.


A common fear when editing photos is accidentally saving over the original image file. Photo edits are only viewable in Picasa until you save and even then, the app saves a new version of your file so you never have to worry about losing the original.

So next time you decide to do some spring cleaning in your computer files and amp up your image editing, try downloading the Picasa app. Did we mention all of these featured are free? If you are interested in getting started you can visit Wiki How to use Picasa for step by step instructions.