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Why SSL Matters

In today’s online world, having a business website is practically an essential tool for marketing and customer service. However, there is one important factor to consider that will make a huge difference in the way internet users interact with a business’ website: having an SSL certificate. It’s so important, in fact, that Google will notify

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1 Minute Marketing: Email Marketing.. does it work?

You may be skeptical about direct mail and wonder if email marketing still works. The answer is yes, it does! Email marketing is still on one of the most effective forms of marketing it works if you follow some fundamental guidelines. There are a few common issues you will face with email marketing. These are

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1 Minute Marketing: How To Use Blogging For Your Business

Sometimes when we think about blogging we think about bloggers. People who blog for a living about lifestyle, beauty, travel or anything else and receive compensation from ads and sponsorships due to having a large following. However, to have a strong blog you don’t need to change your entire career to just being a blogger.

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Product Spotlight: Public Relations For A Business

Do you have a young business or a small business that is ready to grow? Public relations is huge part of giving your business the brand identity, public and online image you are looking for. There is a lot that goes into public relations. Everything that goes public under your brand name, events and publicity

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