Client Spotlight —

Client Spotlight —


The web provides entrepreneurs with limitless opportunities, and founder Jeremiah Cervantes is in the process of building upon his idea that will help businesses, nonprofits and consumers connect in ways they never have before.

Cervantes is creating a cause-related consumer network that will make researching which companies support which charities and nonprofits simple. Socially responsible consumers can then easily connect with the companies and products that support causes they care about. Currently, it is difficult to conduct comprehensive research on what companies support which charities without spending several hours looking up individual corporations — will bring all the information together in one place.

The goal is to make a boost to charitable organizations and to the corporations that support them, while providing information consumers can use and easily search. The website is still under development but will soon allow corporations and charities to create profiles that can then be interlinked by which businesses contribute to which charities.

Profiles are free for charities to create, and basic profiles are also free for businesses. A premium profile page for businesses will have an annual cost that will include features such as advertising banners on the company profile page and a direct link to the company’s website. will be the vehicle for companies to increase brand loyalty and earn long-term customers — Not because they are marketing to their instant desires, but because they are catering to their hearts.