Client Spotlight: Muddy Waters Coffee Co

\"SEM-CS-0915\"This month’s client spotlight is Muddy Waters Coffee Co in McKinleyville, CA. The Muddy Waters Coffee Company is owned and operated by master coffee roaster, Chris Nichols. Chris began working at Muddy Waters Cafe in 1999 as a barista. In 2003 Chris became the official roaster of Muddy Waters Cafe and in 2005 became a certified technician in La Marzocco and Bunn equipment.

In 2006, Chris bought into the wholesale coffee side of the roasting business and began operating Muddy Waters Coffee Company, moving operations to Eureka, California.

Since 2006, Chris has expanded this boutique coffee roasting business in the local Northern California market and continues to expand nationally. Chris’ goal is to produce the highest quality, small batch, organic, sustainable coffee for coffee lovers all over the globe.

Since working with Muddy Waters, we have helped them become more clear in their brand and online sales strategy. You can check out some of our coffee label designs and try some of the best coffee you can get at