Content Development

Content Development: Fiction Fans Take Note – Creating Personas Enhances Local Search Strategies

Content Development: Fiction Fans Take Note – Creating Personas Enhances Local Search Strategies For marketing purposes, the term “persona” refers to a composite amalgamation of the traits your primary customers exhibit. Much the same as the process law enforcement uses to develop criminal profiles, astute businesses build personas that embody the needs and tendencies of

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Business blog topics

Content Development: How to Plan Your Business Blog\’s Content

Content Development: How to Plan Your Business Blog\’s Content Why should you plan the content for your business\’s blog ahead of time? Well, a strategic e-marketing plan will help you define how often you want to update your blog and what kind of content you will provide. It also helps prevent the ever-dreaded writer\’s block

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Content Development: How to Respond to Customer Comments on Facebook

Content Development: How to Respond to Customer Comments on Facebook The goal of social media is to engage your customers — that’s why you should be asking questions and encouraging conversations on your Facebook page. But to really stimulate those who have “liked” your page, you need to talk back. Your Facebook e-marketing strategies should

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