Content Development: Canva


When we are creating marketing pieces, whether it be social media, emails, blogs or anything else, graphics can boost our engagement by incredible amounts. In certain studies, it has been found that a graphic can double the amount of likes and shares on Facebook.

This statistic makes a lot of sense. Our eyes are not attracted to bulks of text but to aesthetically attractive images and graphics. If we have content that we want to grab our audience\’s attention, the odds of them reading it and sharing it will be much more likely with a graphic included. Graphic design and photography isn’t a skill that is easy to come by (or cheap!) that’s why Canva can come in handy when you need images.

Canva is a completely free service that allows you to create designs to use for social media, banners, blog posts and more. When you get to the main page, you will specify what you are using the image for and the program will give you the optimal size canvas to work with. From here you can use one of their templates or images to start designing or pull in your own image.

The application gives you many different photo editing options, fun elements like shapes, lines and other designs to give your image a little extra pop. We highly suggest this site to anyone who has graphic design ideas and needs but not the time or knowledge to use Photoshop.