Content Development: Choosing Social Media Networks to Engage

Content Development: Choosing Social Media Networks to Engage with

\"sem-CD-0914-db\"Part of having an online presence as a company is being a part of at least one social network. When most people think of a social network these days, the first thing that comes to mind is Facebook, and while Facebook is still the biggest social network on the Web right now it\’s far from the only one. There are several social networks on the Internet, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing which networks will work best for your business isn\’t always easy, and it\’s something that business owners didn\’t have to think about a generation ago. Nevertheless, it\’s something that has to be done if you want your business to succeed. Fortunately, it is similar to Instagram in that it is a more visually-oriented network. It\’s also very popular for arts and crafts-based businesses since so much interaction on Pinterest involves the sharing of images.


Facebook has the advantage of being the largest and most familiar social network on the Web right now. Thanks to its large user base, you should have no problem reaching both existing clients and potential clients.


Like Facebook, Twitter is a large and far-reaching network. You may not reach quite as large an audience as you would with Facebook, but you will still have a sizable reach with a well-maintained Twitter account. Most businesses maintain both a Facebook account and a Twitter account, but this isn\’t always enough for particularly small businesses. Both Facebook and Twitter have been around for a relatively long time, and they aren\’t frequented as much by younger users as they once were.


Instagram isn\’t as prevalent as Facebook or Twitter, but it is still incredibly popular with younger users. Engaging with Instagram gives you the advantage of connecting with a younger clientele, and it is especially useful if your marketing strategy has a major visual component.


Pinterest is similar to Instagram in that it is a more visually-oriented network. It\’s also very popular for arts and crafts-based businesses since so much interaction on Pinterest involves the sharing of images.


Google+ is essentially Google\’s answer to Facebook, but it has relatively few members. Still, it has several SEO benefits, so advertising on Google+ is well worth your time. Just don\’t focus your entire marketing strategy on this one network.


Yelp is a great network if you own a restaurant or any other service-based business. People use it more and more to learn about restaurants and stores near them, so it\’s well worth your time to set up a Yelp account if you want to attract business from locals and visitors alike.
As difficult as it is to choose the right social network for your business, it\’s also very important if you want your business to stay afloat in the 21st century. Some networks serve specific niches, while others are more general, but they all give businesses the ability to reach a sizable clientele. Just don\’t put all of your marketing efforts into one network; you will have a much greater reach if you have at least a few accounts over several social networks.
