Content Development: Coming Up With Timely Topics


Coming up with timely topics can be one of the most important aspects when it comes to getting people to read your content. If you’re writing about something that thousands of people have already done, the odds of someone reading your content and enjoying it really lowers. Sure, you can make anything original and everyone’s writing style and point of view is different but a majority of your content should be timely and relevant.

How can you consistently find relevant blog topics though? The trick is to stay up to date yourself with what is happening in the world currently to your industry, to the World and to your audience. When you come across those relevant topics and something clicks as a topic, write it down and schedule it for as soon in the future as you can.

You can also easily find timely topics by thinking about the seasons and time of year and how they are affecting your business and your audience. Some topics that come from the time of the year can be cliche but sometimes you can find really good topics that your audience is searching for.

Nothing is more timely than the questions people are asking for right now. When you receive a question from a customer or prospective, turn it into a blog post. If one person is asking it odds are someone else is wondering it too. As the owner of your business, you are the one receiving questions and concerns about your business, so let us know or let whoever is managing your marketing content know so they can push out content on it.