Content Development — Fundamentals of Advertising

Content Development — Fundamentals of Advertising


Advertising is more than just getting your product and brand name in front of viewers, whether you are considering search engine marketing or a TV spot in Humboldt County. You need to craft your message in a compelling way that will effectively reach a receptive audience.

The four fundamental components below should be a part of any advertising campaign, Eureka or beyond:

4 Fundamentals of Advertising

  1. Know Your Target Market: How can you cater your message if you don’t know who you’re talking to? Selecting your advertising campaign’s target market should be one of the first steps you make — a target market can be based on a number of factors, including age, gender, job title and industry. Your target market should be big enough to justify the expense of reaching out to them via advertising (so your efforts get a positive ROI), but small enough that you can target specific, compelling offers to key prospects.
  2. Know Your Intent and Tell Them the Next Step: Before you create the content for your advertising campaign, you need to know what results you want. Do you want to inform the audience about your business? Do you want them to buy your product? Do you want to promote your brand? No matter the motivation, your advertisement needs to tell the audience what action you want next, known as the “call to action,” whether it’s to come by your storefront or to call for more information.
  3. Create an Emotional Response: Connect with your target audience emotionally through advertising by filling a need, solving a problem, or sharing customer stories. Focus the content on how the prospect will benefit from what you’re offering, not the specific features.
  4. Keep it Simple: The messages people remember most are those that are simple. Say what you need to say succinctly, and you are more likely to get a positive response. Just make sure your target audience will have all the necessary information to follow your call to action.