Content Development: Graphic Design

Draw More Eyes With Better Graphic Design

\"webYou can have the highest quality content on the web, but graphics are what will draw the eyes of your customers best. Images make your content interesting to view, more likely to be shared and make your content easier to find.

Ideal graphic design starts with your logo. It may seem too great a challenge to rebrand your company, but it is worth the effort if your current logo isn\’t benefiting your company. If your logo appears outdated or no longer reflects what you do, then a fresh look can improve how your business is perceived.

What your final logo looks like should also impact your web site design. The color scheme and style of your website should coincide with the style of your logo — that doesn\’t mean it needs to exactly replicate that style throughout the site, but the graphic and web site design should at least look like they belong together.

To get the full use of any graphics on your website, utilize the metatags for each image. Give your images titles, alternate texts, descriptions and captions (when appropriate) that incorporate your keywords where it makes sense. In these tags, fully describe the image and how it relates to your business for the best results. The images themselves should be created to appeal to your ideal target market, whether its graphic design for Humboldt audiences or design that takes a more nationwide approach.

When done well, graphic design elements can help drive traffic to your website and appeal to the eyes of your prospects and lead them to your content.