Content Development: How to Respond to Customer Comments on Facebook

Content Development: How to Respond to Customer Comments on Facebook

\"FacebookThe goal of social media is to engage your customers — that’s why you should be asking questions and encouraging conversations on your Facebook page. But to really stimulate those who have “liked” your page, you need to talk back. Your Facebook e-marketing strategies should incorporate this kind of two-way chatting.

There are basically three kinds of comments you’ll get on your wall:

  1. Kudos! This is always the best kind of comment to find on your Facebook page. A customer has taken time out of their day to share how much they love your business or how you’ve helped them in the past. Even though this is a positive situation, you should still respond! If someone posts a compliment on your wall or posts a good rating, you should “like” the post and then reply with a “Thank you, (name)!” If the customer also shares a photo with their compliment, you can re-share it to the page so more of your other customers can see it.
  2. Negative review. You might feel a tightness in the pit of your stomach when you see a negative comment or review posted for all the world to see on Facebook. Here is what you should NOT do from a public relations standpoint: delete the comment or attack back. If you do get flustered, it’s best to walk away and approach it later. In your response, you should apologize to the customer that they feel they had a bad experience (not necessarily admitting fault). You can post clarifying details if necessary, but do so in a friendly way that isn’t blaming the customer. Keep it brief and polite. If you want a second chance with this particular customer, ask them to give you another shot by offering a discount or freebie. If you decide to send them a private message, reply to their comment on your wall stating that you will message them privately — this way other customers know you are addressing the comment.
  3. Customer with a problem trying to get help. Sometimes if a customer can’t find your customer service line or if they haven’t had luck getting help from your staff, they will post a question or concern on your public page. These can sound rather scathing, but the customer is likely just frustrated that normal channels haven’t worked. State in a comment that you’ll send them a private message, then do so asking for contact information, more details or whatever you need to get their concern addressed quickly.

Social media provides a new tool to engage with the public about your relations with current and former customers. Facebook e marketing strategies need to have conversation as a goal, or you may turn away more people than you attract.