Content Development LinkedIn

Content Development LinkedIn

\"sem=CD-linkedin-1214-db\"Linkedin provides an endless number of ways for you to put yourself out there and impress professional contacts. The bad news: Linkedin can be extremely overwhelming if you feel that you do not have enough experience for a strong profile. However, there are plenty of things you can add to your profile to make it look more complete and make you stand out amongst everyone else.

A Great Profile Picture
Having a great profile picture matters much more than you might think. First impressions can make a colossal difference in how you are perceived, and even in whether or not you profile will even be looked at (
To have an outstanding profile picture, it should be recent, high-resolution, and professional. Your outfit should be more on the conservative side, and without any distracting prints or colors. Make sure you look confident and that you present a genuine smile.

Check Your Summary
Summaries can feel like a drag, but a great one is an essential for a strong Linkedin profile. Pretend that you are an employer looking to hire someone for the field you are interested in – what would you want to see in a candidate? Take your passions, experience, interests, and goals, and make yourself stand out. You may want to use keywords in your summary to make you more searchable.

Contact Information
Make it so that a connection will have to do as little work as possible to contact you. It will obviously make contact far more likely, and it plain shows respect for a potential contact and their time. Include your phone number, email, and the best hours of the day to get in touch with you.

Create a Portfolio
Linkedin can and should be used as an online portfolio. One of its best features is that it allows you to showcase your skills rather than being all talk ( You can share videos, PDFs of writing samples, presentations, and pictures of your projects. Use this feature to prove how fantastic you are.

Having people endorse your skills will increase your validity. When you have a new contact on Linkedin, be sure to endorse the skills they have that you can vouch for. Chances are, they will do the same for you.

Seek Out Recommendations
If you know someone who might be willing to write you a glowing recommendation, ask them, and offer to write one for them if appropriate. Recommendations will make you stand out amongst other candidates and enhance your reputation on Linkedin.