search engine optimization and content

Content Is More Kingly than Ever

Content Is More Kingly than Ever

\"searchThere is an old saying in the search engine optimization (SEO) world – \”content is king.\” In the distant past (five years ago is distant, given the light speed of Internet change), SEO professionals advised clients about the importance of quality content with their e-marketing strategies. In order to keep readers coming back for more, you had to write copy that was useful, compelling, and unique.

Now, in addition to humans, search engine algorithms are demanding quality, as well. SEO 2.0 has arrived.

Do Keywords Still Matter for Search Engine Marketing?

Keywords will always play a vital role in the search process. After all, you have to enter something into the open field to retrieve the information or view the specific item you want. What has changed recently is that you are now more likely to find what you want without having to guess at exact match keywords.

For instance, say you are looking for new athletic shoes for your daughter. Depending on your generation and background, you may begin the search by entering \”tennis shoes\” into the search bar, regardless of whether or not she will actually play tennis with the shoes. First, the search engines will offer a drop down menu of suggestions to get the process focused, before you even finish typing the entire term. One choice is likely to be \”tennis shoes for kids,\” which is exactly what you want. You click; you may notice most of the results do not have the phrase \”tennis shoes\” as part of the listing. In fact, that phrase may not be part of the website content at all.

What has changed? The search criteria or algorithms are now sophisticated enough to connect your intent with a suitable destination, and with remarkable accuracy. This means content writers no longer have to insert \”exact match keywords,\” with a predetermined frequency to effectively rank. If that is the case, what is it that is enabling a given website to rank on page one?

Both Are Important, but Quality Trumps Quantity

This is not to say that optimizing your website for general key phrases is not important. All of the work that a company like Strategic eMarketing does to enable a website to rank on the first page still must be done. It is just that now we do it a little differently. It seems like we find ourselves saying that every few months lately!

Here are some recommendations for content creation since the dawn of SEO 2.0:

  1. Create a content calendar. One of the most valuable things you can do to improve your search engine rankings is to inject new content routinely and frequently. Establish a schedule for your blog posts, social media postings, and page additions.
  2. If you are not yet using Google Analytics, it is time to leap that hurdle and embrace this wonderful, free tool. Beyond that, Twitter Analytics and Facebook Insights are other free diagnostic devices that can provide powerful assistance and direction for your copywriting activities.
  3. If you are using Microsoft Word, spend a few minutes experimenting with variations in the Preferences menu. There are no excuses today for misspelled words, poor grammar usage, or typos. Proofread all of your content before posting by reading it aloud and offering it to an associate for critical review.
  4. Begin all writing projects without a predetermined word count goal. Avoid the tendency to \”fluff\” your copy with repetitious or irrelevant sentences. If you can say everything in 200 words, do so.
  5. Today, content includes videos, images, and infographics. However, poor quality can cause more harm than benefit.

SEO 2.0 demands our attention. Those who take the time to learn about the changes and develop unique and informative content will see their rankings rise.