Customer Generated Content


There are many things that go into making great content. Customer generated content is very powerful. This term is a new one in the social media world, although it has actually been around for quite some time. Not sure what we mean?

Think about a brand holding a contest. Often times, they ask their contestants to post a photo, video or status on their social media platforms utilizing a certain hashtag or tagging the brand. With in those contest rules, is the exclusive right to feature all content sent in and a high opportunity to give your audience a fun time.

An example of user generated content is when Starbuck’s hosted their White Cup challenge. Starbucks invited customers to doodle on their cups and post the photos of their artwork on social media. During the first 3 weeks of this contest, nearly 4,000 people entered the contest. Why would they take the time to do this? Because Starbucks, a company with so many loyal customers, offered to feature the winning design on a limited edition Starbucks cup across the World!

Things like this get your customers excited to participate with you social media. If you find yourself wondering why nobody is enjoying your social media posts. Take a look at your content. Is it exciting? Are you inviting your users to do something that is worth their time? If not, try out a customer generated content campaign.