Developing a Public Relations Campaign for Your Small Business

I’m sure your business plan includes consistent advertising but have you considered adding a public relations strategy to your plan? Even though PR is one of the most cost-effective methods for small businesses to raise awareness, it is often ignored because we are unfamiliar with it. We all know what advertising looks like, but are you aware of the role that PR plays in daily media?

Pick up today’s newspaper and see how many articles don’t have a writer’s byline but instead have the name of the news entity. That means it was a submitted press release. Look at the included photo. Does it say “submitted photo?” Same thing. You might be surprised by how many “news articles” in the paper are actually submitted press releases.

PR is often less expensive than advertising, and can be incredibly valuable to a small business. And once your story is published it can live on in perpetuity on your web site, Facebook, LinkedIn, the possibilities are endless. There are even online sites to post press releases to give your business’s message exposure in new markets.

Maybe you aren’t sure how to write a press release, or pitch your story idea to the media. A successful press release must be well-written, newsworthy, and sound like it belongs among the other news stories of the media outlet you are pitching. That’s where we come in. We will work with you to develop a compelling story angle and make sure every appropriate media outlet is personally contacted. We can even set up media interviews, provide coaching and tips and link the campaign to social media like Facebook.

The credibility you gain from a successful public relations campaign is another reason why you should consider making PR a cornerstone of your company’s growth strategy.

When a prospect sees third party coverage of a product or service, it is perceived much differently than a traditional advertisement. When we see an advertisement, we know the company is trying to sell us something. When a third party, such as the media, endorses a product or service, the company gains credibility. Consumers are much more likely to make a purchase based on third party endorsement than an advertisement.

A public relations program will help build general awareness of your product, service or brand and will supplement any advertising efforts. This visibility also tends to make your business appear larger and more established than it may be, which may help you secure partnerships, customers and funding.

With the right message and strategic media distribution, you soon will be sharing your own public relations success story. Contact Strategic eMarketing today to discuss the benefits of a PR campaign strategy for your business.