
Digital Marketing Fundamentals

As a Marketing Agency, our fundamental goal is to educate and provide value at every step of a marketing campaign. I hope you interpret this message as a demonstration of competence and thoroughness.

For a business, digital marketing fundamentals like Secure Site, ADA compliance, and Load times are often overlooked as you are focused on company sales goals, the next client, and logistics. These fundamentals impact your business by impacting \”dwell time\”, conversion rates, and Marketing ROI, as well as making your company vulnerable to ADA-based Lawsuits. 

Since your website is not ADA Compliant, please see below. 

Forbes reports in 2019, approximately 11,053 ADA Title III federal lawsuits were filed. This was an increase of 9% since 2018, and a 400% increase since 2013, according to Seyfarth Shaw, LLP, based in Chicago. (The Robles v. Domino’s Pizza case remains the highlighted case of that year.) 

We have developed simple but effective solutions for Site Security, Fast Load Times and ADA Compliance. Call me before you\’re contacted by a lawyer with an ADA Lawsuit and we will get your site ADA compliant, secure, and loading quickly in no time.