How to Create an eBook

When creating an eBook, there are multiple factors to consider including content, design and of course, the popularity of the content matter. As you probably already know—the main goal for creating an eBook is to generate leads. Many digital marketers have turned to offering a free eBook to entice visitors to join their company’s mailing list in order to build their list of subscribers. In a sense, they are using the eBook as a resource to, essentially, bribe their visitors but let’s be honest—who doesn’t love a good bribe? To help those interested in learning how to create their very own eBook, follow the steps listed below. Decide on your Target Market and conduct keyword research to identify popular keywords and phrases that searchers use. Tools that may be helpful include Google’s Keyword Tool , Market Samurai and SEMrush. You want to select a topic with a personalized edge so choose a topic that you as the writer, feel passionate about because that will show through in your writing. Remember to select a topic that will lure in readers but also, open up further conversation. For titles to generate the most traffic, they should be specific. It also helps to create a title that conveys to readers that they are going to miss out on an opportunity if they don’t act immediately. Instilling a sense of urgency increases the likelihood that the reader will act fast and download the eBook. In fact, research has shown that using a scare tactic—which stimulates worry amongst readers—proves to be more successful at getting visitors to act fast than if the title merely excites them. n. The most efficient way to write an eBook is to first, create an outline. Outlining the content will help ensure your book is easy to read and is properly balanced. A great way to make sure you include everything you want to address in your eBook is to write out a list of topics and from that, create a table of contents. There are numerous different ways to create useful outlines but one easy solution for organizing your eBook is to make each major topic a separate chapter of your book. To help streamline your writing process, you can then list out subtopics and sub points beneath each of your main topics, which should help make your writing flow. It is important to keep your writing exciting and interesting for readers. To do that, keep it simple and refrain from using advanced vocabulary. Include relevant keywords and use interesting adjectives in your title. Keep the formatting uniform throughout the entire book and make use of formatting (paragraphs, lists, breaks, etc) to help highlight important points. It is wise to use different types of headers and always be certain to break down any large chunks of content. It is easier and less intimidating for a reader to sift through a bunch of shorter paragraphs than have to sit and read through one extremely large chunk of content. Ask numerous people to proofread your work and don’t be afraid to request honest feedback. While you are looking for readers to catch any grammatical errors, you are also having them verify that what they are reading is indeed, engaging to read. Ask readers whether they feel you are making your point in an interesting, valuable way because if you aren’t, your e-book may be need of some major edits!

If graphic design isn’t an area you are familiar with, there are various eBook templates available for download. For instance, if you sign up for HubSpot’s newsletter, they will send you 13 free customizable eBook templates for Microsoft PowerPoint (if interested, click here). Another resource for those looking for Microsoft Word or InDesign Templates, is  Regardless of whether you elect to use a template or custom design your own eBook, there are a few rules you should know. For example, you want to:


  • Select an Appropriate Color – it is wise to match your eBook to your brand colors
  • Use the Right Font – play it safe, and keep it simple (arial, times new roman, verdana)
  • Add Relevant Photos – ensure graphics are complimenting your writing
  • Highlight Important Points and Quotes
  • Create an ebook Cover



In addition to including relevant keywords, be sure to incorporate calls-to-action into your eBook. A call-to-action is a graphic or link that sparks a reader’s interest so they click it and go to the page you are intending to direct them to. Once you are finished writing, editing and designing your eBook, it is time to promote your material. Use a dedicated landing page on your website and optimize that for the appropriate keywords, use social media platforms to increase visibility, build links from other sites to your eBook and consider sending out free copies to generate social media shares and increase exposure. It is important to track the success of your content marketing efforts to make sure you are getting the most from the efforts put forth. To help gauge the success of your digital content,  track the number of eBook downloads. To help with this process, you may want to use a third-party service such as MailChimp, Constant Contact or AWeber.

These are all the vital steps for writing a successful eBook. Authoring an eBook isn’t as easy as one may think because it requires much thought. If need help writing an eBook for your business, contact Strategic eMarketing where we can help you with writing, designing, marketing and tracking the success of your eBook