How to Evaluate a Marketing Proposal

How to Evaluate a Marketing Proposal

This is how I recommend prospects, friends and family clients review marketing proposals and how to make a decision about which agency or marketing provider to go hire.

First of all, in the proposal, does the salesperson or the agency focus on the areas of growth that you outlined in your conversation, and are they targeting the metrics or KPIs that matter to you?

Number two, have they outlined a frequency of communication by which they\’re going to meet with you in order to review progress on your work, your campaigns, your projects?

Number three, have they outlined the process by which they’re going to report success

Have they gone through and outlined the process for reporting?

Four, have an outline budget that matches what you let them know that the expectations were. So is the budget in line and are there clear connections between budget and activity?

And finally, is there social proof of some sort? Are you able to find other satisfied clients on their website that you can reach out to or recommendations on LinkedIn that are verifiable?

It is not exhaustive, but those five areas I recommend when you review a marketing proposal.  Good luck!