LinkedIn Fundamentals 2022

LinkedIn Fundamentals 2022

‘A Search Engine for Business Professionals’

Get Your LinkedIn Fundamentals for 2022


of LinkedIn users are men


are women


of LinkedIn users are between 25 and 34 years old


of B2B decision makers use LinkedIn to research purchases


of the Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn to tell their stories, recruit, and network.

Improve your profile!

Find an appropriate keyword

Office equipment company

Office technology and management

Free Keyword Tool

Office equipment company

Office equipment
near me

Get your target keyword across your page 15-20 times!

Improve your profile!

Increase Endorsements for your most relevant skills

Improve your profile!

Increase Recommendations, which feature your target keyword

Improve your profile!

ABOUT section: Change to first-person; Write more about their problems, less about \”You\”; Improve your Client stats by explaining who the client is.

Improve your profile!

1. Name
2. Headline (above the fold)
3. Add 1 bit of personal information

Improve your profile!


Are you a Manufacturer that needs to meet your sales goals. We will provide 10 new Qualified leads in 30 days. Contact me if you are ready for new B2B Leads that are ready to buy from you now. In the mail or email now to get started: … Here are a few of the successful B2B lead generation campaigns we created in the last 90 days:

  • Increased website traffic for a Manufacturer by over 10x
  • Increased Sales of a Manufacturer by 12x
  • Open rates and product inquiry increase of over 35%
  • Found Malicious content and recreated website for a manufacturer in under 15 days
  • Generated a 6x ROI for a Manufacturer with email Marketing

Improve your profile!

Emanuel Rose is a recognized expert in lead generation, branding, advertising and the day-to-day operations of a digital agency ready to help you build your business today. For over 25 years Emanuel has gone to work each day seeking to pioneer cutting-edge lead generation and marketing strategies for the benefit of his clients. Emanuel’s rich and diverse experience evidences the strength of his unique skill set, acquired through years of persistent growth, leading a digital agency, and serving as a pioneering professional in lead generation and retention. This expertise and understanding is not only central to the success of Emanuel’s career, but his leadership of the digital agency he founded. 

As the CEO of Strategic eMarketing, Emanuel is at the forefront of driving digital solutions with machine learning for lead generation for all of Strategic eMarketing’s clients in Oregon and beyond. Doing so with an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and challenges seen for clients across the digital agency landscape and utilizing his enviable expertise in leading generation to leverage a leading advantage for all his valued clients.

For all your needs in lead generation and beyond, contact the leader of the digital agency that is a leader in its field, and his digital agency that is a leader worldwide in producing results that deliver lasting value for all their clients. Connect with Emanuel via social media on and have gotten this far, what are you waiting for? Call me to get your 10 leads this month 707 506 6138.

Content Publishing

Avoid “All of us struggle” or Hello World, I am proud to announce,I am excited to announce, andEverybody as openers…..

Speak to 1 person or tell a believable personal story.

us @Jimclark (for example) when mentioning people in your posts to connect them and their network.

Content Publishing

Posts can be organized in:

Content Publishing

What do I talk or write about?

  • Fundamentals in Action
  • Problems that all clients face
  • Success with a Client, no matter how small
  • Staff, peers or suppliers that are awesome
  • Your Inspirations
  • How You Recreate

Content Publishing

What pictures do I use?

  • Start taking pictures of your daily life
  • Stock Photos
  • Screenshots
  • Website Content

Content Publishing
Best Practices

  • Write Your Post in a Word Document
  • Copy and Paste to LinkedIn
  • Add 2-5 hashtags that are relevant to the post
  • Tag colleagues who are likely to interact with the post

SEO BONUS: Send the word doc and images to your Marketing Department and have it posted to your Blog.

Content Publishing

Monday – Video (1 minute, on your phone, doesn\’t have to be \’perfect\’ just deliver value and demonstrate your expertise: talk directly to your audience).

Content Publishing

Video.  Puppies (horses), water and babies.  Start doing it every week.  Actually, a clean background and you talking to the camera is perfect.

  • 1 topic, anecdote or illustrative story that provides value.
  • If you need video tools, email me and  I will send a list.

Content Publishing

Tuesday – Text status update.

Interact With LinkedIn Content

Thursday – A blog post with a link to your website.

Content Publishing

Wednesday – A photo with short narrative and end with a question to encourage engagement.

Content Publishing

Friday – Post a topical industry article + your commentary to show your expertise. Preferably taking the opposite point of view. 

Interact With LinkedIn Content

Be a valuable member of your network!

Like It

Comment on the post with the idea of continuing the conversation

Share posts that are coherent with your ethics and that your network will appreciate or benefit from.

Send posts to prospects to see how it will further the Sales conversation

Emanuel Rose, CEO



Get Your LinkedIn Fundamentals for 2022