Marketing Department Staff Shortage Blog

Marketing Department Staff Shortage?

Did you know that there are 1.4 million marketing jobs on LinkedIn right now? So if you are a CMO or a CEO that\’s running a marketing department, you have a long line of companies who are competing for that talent. That makes the case for hiring an agency and getting your marketing initiatives started.

So there are three primary benefits to hiring a marketing agency right now…

Number One, you get to work with pros who have a long list of completed work. 

Two, you can be up and running and publishing content, sending emails, and updating websites in seven to ten days with the right agency. 

And number three, you have a budget and you can hire the agency on that same fixed budget that you would a full-time employee. So if you\’re sitting on a bunch of open job descriptions and open roles for your marketing department, dust off the list of agencies, do a LinkedIn search for agencies, or set a time to meet with me and find a way to get your marketing done right now by hiring and setting some big audacious goals for that agency.