
B2B SEO Part 2

In bygone days (about a year ago), the lines of distinction between search engine optimization and website design were more clearly drawn. SEO was primarily a function of developing compliant source code and acquisition of relevant backlinks. Methodical and continuous effort would ultimately enable first page rankings. Google fairly obliterated those lines this past year […]

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B2B SEO Part 1

Remember the Yellow Pages? You know, that big ugly book that you would open when you wanted to find out something about a local business. The operative word being “local,” of course. Good luck trying to find out anything about San Francisco if you lived in Los Angeles, for example. But, that’s another story… The

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Strategic eMarketing and HumC.P.U. To Work Together Through eNGAGE Program

Eureka, CA – Humboldt Computer Professionals Unlimited has begun collaborating with Strategic eMarketing for a communication project through the eNGAGE program. Through this program, SEM will work with HumC.P.U.  to focus on identifying key accounts and clients that will help turn prospects into clients and clients into advocates.Primed with this information, HumC.P.U. will be able to

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Marketing by Creating Consumer Motivating Environments

By:Renée Chappelle R.D. Chappelle & Associates Project Planning & Management The subtle (or not-so-subtle) differences in marketing techniques. You\’re a woman and you see an attractive man in a bar. You walk up to him and say, \”I\’m hot!\” That\’s DIRECT MARKETING. You\’re in a bar with friends and see a handsome man. One

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SEM-Business Resources

The Master-Mind Alliance is a strategic planning and business coaching group program with individual follow-up. Members enjoy several benefits.  Achievable goals get set. Challenging issues get processed. Problems get solved. Roadblocks get eliminated. Uncertainty gets reduced. Game Plans get made. Advantages get exploited.  The monthly group meetings refresh, reinvigorate and prepare members to drive their

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