
Content Development: Choosing Social Media Networks to Engage

Content Development: Choosing Social Media Networks to Engage with Part of having an online presence as a company is being a part of at least one social network. When most people think of a social network these days, the first thing that comes to mind is Facebook, and while Facebook is still the biggest social […]

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1-minute Marketing Multi-Channel Marketing

1-minute Marketing Multi-Channel Marketing Are you currently interacting with your customers through multi-channel marketing? Using the right combination of indirect and direct communication will boost the overall visibility of your company. Determining what works and doesn’t work for your organization is a challenge. Should you use mail order catalogs, direct mail, email, and retail marketing?

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Strategic Marketing: Product Development and Innovation

Strategic Marketing: Product Development and Innovation Your customer’s wants, needs, and goals are like shifting sands; the marketplace drift is constant, and to maintain sales and increase market share, a healthy company must continually develop new products and services. First, it is essential notice the drift and develop a plan to capture it as an

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Multi-channel marekting

Product Spotlight: Multi-Channel Marketing

Product Spotlight: Multi-Channel Marketing “Multi-channel marketing” sounds pretty high tech and sophisticated, but it’s based on a fundamental business principle: covering all the bases. The difference now is there are a lot more bases, and you need to touch every one of them to get “home” to a successful business with a loyal, informed, participatory

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