Mobile Apps for Your Business

Mobile Apps for Your Business


The smartphone in your customer’s hand is their portal to the world. To put the doorway to your business on that virtual hallway, one thing is required – a Mobile App for your business.

With that Mobile App, designed for you by Strategic eMarketing, you can engage your customer in almost any way imaginable. You can apprise them of news for your business, whether it’s a new item on the menu or a new rate for certificates of deposit or the opening of a new physical storefront location. Wherever your physical location, your Mobile App from Strategic eMarketing can lead your customers, via GPS, to your doorstep.

Once there, your customers can post ratings and send tweets regarding the wonderful services and products you provide. All of this and so much more can be made available from within the insular world of your Mobile App – no distractions from other tabs or windows in a browser. The fact is that browser navigation on a smartphone is and will probably always be cumbersome — too much display for too little screen. The mobile app is the solution to that conundrum, and it’s the answer to the perpetual internet marketing question for business owners, “How can I get more loyal customers?”

Whether your business is strictly online or has a storefront presence, local customers will always be your most loyal and regular customers, if you enable them to find and interact with your business. That is one of the benefits of your Mobile App — it can bring local customers directly to you, past all of the competition, both in a generic search and in a local search. Proudly proclaim your Humboldt-made enterprise and claim your loyal customer base, who will say, upon loading your Mobile App from Strategic eMarketing, “Eureka! I have found it!”/p>