Monthly Newsletters


One of our most popular marketing services we provide to our clients are monthly newsletters. These give us a great opportunity to share very informative content with our client’s readers. In fact, think of all of the information you are getting from reading our newsletter right now! We can also reuse these newsletter articles for our blog and our social media gives us three times the content! There is nothing to lose form using our monthly newsletter service.

When we create a monthly newsletter for a client we start by first deciding a few recurring sections we can use each month. For example, for our personal monthly newsletter our sections include: Primary Post, Product Spotlight, Client Spotlight, 1 Minute Marketing, Business Resource Spotlight and Content Development. These 6 sections give us a great amount of content for not only our newsletter but our blog and social media too.

Aside from our 6 sections we write an introduction each month. This is a short intro from our owner, Emanuel, to update clients on anything else that needs to be said that month or a thought about marketing for business owners to keep in mind. It’s a great idea to keep your intro informative but also friendly, inspiring and thought provoking.

Once we have our newsletter written and proofread, we start creating one image per post. Sometimes this may be a real image and other times it may be a graphic. This gives our readers a visual element to look at while browsing or reading our newsletter. A graphic can actually be the deciding factor on if someone reads your article or not.

After we complete our graphics, we put all of the content into our email newsletter template and send it out to our email list. We then use the articles as blog posts and share snippets on social media urging our followers to click our blog link to read or learn more. Circling out content this way can save your time and money with your marketing effort and make sure that your content goes full circle.