Product Spotlight — Creating Profitability Workshop and Book

Product Spotlight — Creating Profitability Workshop and Book

\"CreatingIs your marketing plan prepared to take on the challenges of 2013? The last few years have seen dramatic changes in both internet marketing and lead development, and your business’s tactics may not have kept up. Get your business back on the modern marketing track by learning the strategic fundamentals that maximize the offers you make to your key customers and prospects.

Strategic eMarketing owner and founder Emanuel Rose has co-authored the book Creating Profitability with Rob McD —  the book shows you and your team how to make work rewarding by making more money and master the fundamental practices of cultivating powerful relationships with people and money. Creating Profitability is currently available as an ebook and a print edition will be released on March 1.

For a more indepth look at the topics covered in Creating Profitability, Strategic eMarketing is offering a 5-session workshop series in Eureka beginning on February 20 that will show you how to:

  • Embrace internet marketing and optimize your content
  • Bundle your products and services to encourage more sales
  • Leverage the cloud to improve your efficiency
  • Reward your referral sources
  • Turn your current customers into advocates

But more importantly, you will learn how to increase your average sale and increase the frequency of sales for your business.

Each session goes from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Prosperity Center Conference Room at 520 E St. in Eureka. Limited seating is available, so register now to be a part of the Creating Profitability Workshop series.

Workshop Dates:

  • February 20, Wednesday
  • March 20, Wednesday
  • April 17, Wednesday
  • May 15, Wednesday
  • June 19, Wednesday