Product Spotlight: Ecommerce store design and setup-Woo Commerce

Product Spotlight: Ecommerce store design and setup-Woo Commerce

\"ProductA business website provides a virtual portal into your enterprise, it is more than just a doorway – it is the windows, the window displays, the shelves, and the merchandise. Beyond that, with properly implemented Search Engine Optimization (SEO) your website will actually draw customers to your business – targeted prospects who are educating themselves about your products and services.

Clean design, expert copywriting and strategic SEO can be engaged with one call – to Strategic eMarketing. The layout of the home page, the arrangement of subordinate elements, the links between them, and the simultaneous aesthetic appeal will be sculpted by the web design experts at Strategic eMarketing. Scripts that allow the business owner to provide customer-specific information to prospective buyers and scripts that allow them to get estimates or arrange custom-designed goods or service can also be crafted by the staff at Strategic eMarketing. E-commerce solutions can be designed to fit the products being sold, the quantity available, and all other considerations that would occur at the cash register of a storefront store – and more. Your e-commerce interface can provide detailed specifications for every product, market comparisons for price and quality, and a host of other pieces of valuable consumer information that the average cashier would not possess.

Maintenance and quality assurance are integral parts of a web design relationship with Strategic eMarketing. If your physical storefront proved unattractive to your prospective buyers (say, the Swiss chalet facade isn’t working for you sushi bar), a retrofit to fix that could be costly and timely, requiring store closure. Design adjustments based on traffic or sales (both of which can be monitored) can be made to your Strategic eMarketing website without any downtime or loss of revenue. As new lines of inventory or services are introduced and old ones phased out, the website can reflect those changes, both in its promotional links and pages and in its e-commerce modules.

With the advances in web technology in recent years, a lot can be done to compel customers to new offerings – beyond animated gifs and “new” graphic icons. Embedded videos, custom-created Flash animations, and other multimedia presentations are essential elements of a thorough market strategy in the 21st Century – and Strategic eMarketing is skilled in and ready for providing the perfect match of multimedia mode to market segment.

Strategic eMarketing can make the “e” in e-commerce stand for “easy” for you, the business owner.