Product Spotlight: Local Search Marketing

Product Spotlight: Local Search Marketing

\"LocalWhether it\’s your computer\’s ISP (address provider) or your smart phone\’s GPS, the internet knows where you are. As a customer, that means that it knows where to find you the services and products you want that are closest to you. As a business owner/operator, this means you need your local presence made known to your local, potential customers. This is the essence of Local Search Marketing, and Strategic eMarketing can provide your business with an integrated approach to making it work for you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can move your business to the top of local searches just like it does for generic searches. Once there, what more can be done to ensure that prospective customers that see your name are induced to do business with you and keep doing business with you? The internet search paradigm is always evolving, as proven by the release of Google Carousel, and Strategic eMarketing can keep your company at the leading edge of all the protocols, programs, and apps that lead customers to your virtual (and/or physical) door.

Speaking of apps, it is in the scope of Strategic eMarketing\’s expertise to develop a mobile app for your company, so that prospective customers have photos, videos, and text right on their phone, along with access to positive reviews written by your current customers, their own Eureka, CA neighbors. When they are ready to drive to your business, your app can use your phone\’s GPS to guide them directly to your door. Directed e-mail marketing can further augment your customer influx with prospective clients who live and work nearby.

In the ever-expanding world of the internet, there really is no limit to what a savvy Local Search Marketing approach can do to enhance both your customer base and the consumer experience of your customers, new and old.