Social media marketing

Product Spotlight: Social Media Marketing

Product Spotlight: Social Media Marketing


Your brand needs a presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Google Places, Google+, Foursquare, Yelp, LinkedIn and Twitter because this is where you can be a part of the conversations your target market is already having. You have an opportunity to provide marketing content that adds value to your audience and a high ROI to you.

People Don’t Buy Products — They Buy Brands

How a customer feels about a brand and what they think it represents informs almost every purchasing decision. The top social media marketing strategies are more about listening and responding than talking (though there is plenty of talking, too). Value-added content paired with a responsive social media presence strengthens the relationship between your brand and your target market.

But social media doesn’t stand alone. Optimal plans incorporate local search strategies, focus on developing a consistent brand image, and plan for marketing campaigns on individual social sites.

Let Strategic eMarketing manage your brand’s social media marketing and you accomplish two things:

  • You will relieve yourself (or your staff) of the constant pressure of having to keep up with the minute-to-minute updates of your company’s Facebook page. Not to mention that you are likely to be caught off guard when social media sites change the layout of their profiles like Twitter just did. It might normally mean more work for you, but not when Strategic eMarketing is managing this aspect of your marketing strategies.
  • The reach of your brand will improve with the well-written, consistent, and media rich content that Strategic eMarketing offers.

Your social media pages can’t be allowed to linger any longer. Jumpstart your social media marketing and call Strategic eMarketing for a consultation today at 707-506-6138.